James Corden Weight Watchers

James Corden Weight Watchers

Late Late Show host James Corden has achieved a huge weight loss, and it's only for this reason that he overhauled his lifestyle.

James Corden has been pretty open about his weight loss journey. In January 2020, the Late Late Show host revealed that he had joined WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers), and six months later in June, he announced that he had lost an impressive 35lbs on The Howard Stern Show. He credits this mostly to rewiring the way he perceived 'dieting' from a quick fix to a life-long approach, but there's a particular reason he was so committed.

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Speaking to PEOPLE, James said: "I want to be better for my children and for my family. I don't want to wake up tired, or feel embarrassed when I'm chasing my son on the soccer field and I'm out of breath after three minutes.

"The weight is not the issue, it's the wellness I am ready to tackle. I'm going to take this year and work towards getting healthy."

Sure enough, his family have been massively supportive during his journey. "My wife has been incredible," James said. "With my whole journey with food."

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James Corden after losing the weight in 2020

His extended family have got involved too: "All my family are on Weight Watchers now," James added. "My sisters are on it and they're doing great, my parents are on it," he said.

His wife has also been a huge motivator when it comes to exercising. "I've been doing some exercise, which I hate. I just can't bear it," James said in an interview with Oprah for Weight Watchers. "My wife is so good at it. My wife is actually planning a little circuit for us after this, so we do it together, and we do some weights and these little runs, and I moan about it constantly, and then I have to begrudgingly say, later that afternoon, that I do feel better about myself. Again, it's about support."

During his appearance on The Howard Stern Show in June 2020, he added: "I feel like I'm getting better. I'm trying, but I feel like there's a long way to go… I've lost just over 35lbs."

At two and a half stone, we'd say that's pretty impressive.

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James Corden Weight Watchers

Source: https://www.hellomagazine.com/healthandbeauty/health-and-fitness/20210922122321/james-corden-weight-loss-family/

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